Category: Tiles
Wet Dog’s Dog of the Week!
Every dog on Earth is a good dog, but there really can only be one best good dog, can’t there? Meet Spitfire, the best good dog in the world, athletically speaking, that is. (Photo: Da-Rill Photography) Spitfire, otherwise known as Spitty, is a now 7-year-old Whippet world record holder of multiple records, including a 31-foot…
Snow in July?! Only at Wet Dog Tile!
Hi, everyone! We’re in the heat of the summer here at Wet Dog Tile Co! With the high temperatures we can’t help but think about cooler days. While many people aren’t the biggest fans of snow or the winter season, we appreciate it for what it is… we do spend almost half of our year…
A ‘Quick’ Update!
Hey, everyone! Hope you are all safe and well and hopefully enjoying more time with your families! As we are coming out of our busy spring season and into the summer months, we are starting to boost our inventory and continuing to bring our new Snow Dog Collection to life (more on this in the…
Wet Dog Tile and COVID-19, We are open!
There are times we have all confronted throughout our lives, times that we will later look back and reflect on how truly surreal they felt. Well, friends, this is one of them; drafting an update to you, our incredible followers, clients, and friends, about how we are working through this unprecedented time. Business brass tacks…
Spring is Just Around the Corner!
Spring has almost sprung here at Wet Dog Tile! With the snow melting, the ground thawing, and the birds chirping again, we’d like to share some of our favorite outdoor installations we’ve done over the years! This outdoor fire pit surround is one of our favorite designs. We used our medley of glass, natural stone,…