The Wet Dog Blog

lg dolphins 7 harryheron misfire

Friends with Minor Flaws!

 The Seconds page on the Wet Dog Tile website offers a selection of pieces that didn’t quite hold up to our high standards
and are being offered at a discounted price. Some may be glazed in
discontinued glazes, or have come out of the kiln with unexpected
characteristics. Whatever the circumstances may be, these “Runners up for Best In Show” are unique and
one-of-a-kind pieces that need loving homes!


lg dolphins 7 harryheron misfire
7″ Large Dolphins (set of 2). For details such as pricing and payment visit the Seconds page

lg flat turtle 6 scratched
6″ Large Flat Sea Turtle. For details such as pricing and payment visit the Seconds page

lg heron 11 glazerun
11″ Large Heron. For details such as pricing and payment visit the Seconds page

lobster 12 firehydrant sponged imperfection
12″ Lobster. For details such as pricing and payment visit the Seconds page

lg jellyfish bubbles
8″ Large Jellyfish. For details such as pricing and payment visit the Seconds page

lg ray 115 wolfhound old
11.5″ Large Ray. For details such as pricing and payment visit the Seconds page

There are plenty more to see on the Seconds page! If you’re looking to get your paws on some one-of-a-kind custom tile then this is the perfect opportunity!

Have a great day, everyone! 

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