The Wet Dog Blog

This Week at Wet Dog Tile!

Hi, everyone!

The temperatures are starting to drop but the fall colors are as vibrant as ever here at the Wet Dog Tile studio! Take a look at the foliage around the lake!



Inside the shop we’ve been hard at work! Check out a few of the current projects we’re working on!

Here our artists are creating more of our popular “As The Tide Goes Out” 18×18″ mural from the Ocean Dog Collection! These murals are pre-designed and available for ‘Quick Ship’ meaning they can ship in 3-5 days rather than the normal lead times!

Information for the “As The Tide Goes Out” 18×18″ mural can be seen here! More at!

This is a custom 21″ x 21″ mural that will be going into a kitchen! Pieces marked with tape are used as placeholders while the correct pieces are glazed and fired! This mural is still a work in progress!

Another custom mural, this one measuring 36″ x 30″. This mural features our popular 8″ Large Sea Turtle! As you can see by the matching scaled concept drawing there is still a ways to go until this mural is complete!

Thanks for looking, everyone! We hope you have a great remainder of your week!

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