Wet Dog Blog / Search results

Tag: Friends

  • New Friends on our Seconds Page!

     Hi, everyone! Our Seconds page contains a selection of pieces that didn’t quite hold up to our high standards and are being offered at a discounted price! Some may be glazed in discontinued glazes or have come out of the kiln with unexpected characteristics. Whatever the circumstances may be, these are unique and one-of-a-kind pieces…

  • New Additions to the Seconds Page!

     Hi everyone! Today we’d like to shine a little light on our Seconds page where we keep our selection of pieces that didn’t hold up to our high standards and are being offered at a discounted price. Some may be glazed in discontinued glazes or have come out of the kiln with unexpected characteristics. Whatever…

  • Our Friends with Minor Flaws!

    Hi, everyone! Our Seconds page features a selection of pieces that didn’t quite hold up to our high standards and are being offered at a discounted price! Some may be glazed in discontinued glazes, or have come out of the kiln with unexpected characteristics. Whatever the circumstances may be, these are unique and one-of-a-kind pieces…

  • Friends with Minor Flaws!

    Hey, everybody! As you know, we put a lot of time, effort, and love into everything we do here at Wet Dog, and while we try our best to be perfectionists, our handmade and hand-glazed pieces always have some sort of variation. Though we enjoy the idea of each piece being one of a kind,…